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Staff Bios

John Francis Jr, President
Founded Francis Automotive in 1979
ASE Certified Service Consultant
Former Chairman of the Automotive Management Institute
Married with three children and three grandchildrenWe asked John:

What are you a complete geek about?

  • Cameras
  • Nascar Formula One Racing
  • The way my car looks – it has to be different from everyone else

What’s best thing about the people you work with?

  • How we all work as a team – there is a very high level of trust and there is nothing better than being acknowledged by my son

What is your favorite movie?

  • The High and Mighty with John Wayne

What was your first job?

  • Selling sod at the Pennsylvania Sod Company for 25 cents a roll

What is your earliest automotive/car memory?

  • 1953 my father took me to a garage and we picked up my mother’s Brand new 1953 Chevy; back then they hid the cars until they were announced

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

  • As a business man it was to work on your business not in the business
  • AND, do it right the first time

What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt?

  • Teaching

Who were your childhood heroes?

  • John Wayne and Dwight Eisenhower,

What are you most proud of having accomplished to date?

  • Being a dad

John Francis III, Vice President/Technician
ASE Certified Master Technician
L1 Advanced Engine Performance Certified Technician
PA State and Emissions Licensed Technician
AASP Chapter 17 President
Married with one child
Started at Francis Automotive in 1994We asked John:

What are you a complete nerd about?

  • I am always looking for the next great IPhone case

What was your first job?

  • Sweeping floors for Francis Automotive at age 7.

If you could be a superhero, what would your superpowers be?

  • Fly

What is your earliest automotive/car memory?

  • When I was three years old I went with my mother to pick up her new, ugly brown Oldsmobile station wagon at the dealership. Walking in to the service end of the dealership where all the cool stuff happened was great.

What’s the funny noise people make to describe their vehicle issues?

  • It’s not so much the noise as people used the word “thingie” over and over to describe their car symptoms.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

  • Change your oil – honest to god!

What word do you hate?

  • Can’t

Who were your childhood heroes?

  • My grandfathers – I remember working with them on Saturdays. We either went to the laundry shop down in the city or we did rounds at the school where my other grandfather was an electrician.

What are you most proud of having accomplished to date?

  • My son

Patrick Verdeur, Technician
ASE Certified Technician
PA State and Emissions Licensed Technician
Single, lives in West Chester, PA
Started at Francis Automotive in 2003We asked Pat:

What are you a complete nerd about?

  • Wrist watches

What’s the best thing about the people you work with?

  • They’re always lighthearted and everyone gets along with one another

What is your favorite movie or book (or both)?

  • The Big Lewbowski

If you could be a superhero, what would your superpowers be?

  • The Incredible Hulk

What is your earliest automotive/car memory?

  • My dad working on our 66 Corvair

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

  • Don’t take life too seriously

What was your first job?

  • lifeguarding

Who were your childhood heroes?

  • My Dad and my grandfather who was an Olympic gold medalist in swimming

What are you most proud of having accomplished to date?

  • Being awesome

Jack Francis, Future Technician
7th Grader
Lives in Coatesville, PA.

What are the things are you crazy in-love about?

  • Baseball

What are your talents – in other words what your you really good at?

  • Highest swinger in the playground

What’s the best thing about the people at Francis Auto?

  • They are nice

What are your favorite video games?

  • MLB the Show

What is your favorite movie or book (or both)? Have you ever dressed up like anyone from said movie or book?

  • Star Wars – I dressed up as Darth Vader for Halloween

What was your first job?

  • Moving tires at the shop

What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • I want to work at Kohl’s

What sound does a broken car make?

  • tshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

What sound does a car make when it’s all better

  • Vroom Vrrrrroooom

What’s the best part of working at Francis Auto?

  • Breakfast

Who are your heroes?

  • Dad

Describe magic

  • Magic is when there is a rabbit in a hat and it hops away.